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Nikki Iremonger


Events Planning Support & Coffee Morning Volunteer



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Hi All, my name is Nikki and I live in Ripley with my two children. I am a single parent to Holly who is nearly 18 and has no official diagnosis but she is now considering looking into an ADHD diagnosis for herself and then I have Riley who is 13. He was diagnosed with ASD just before he was 3, ADHD at 6 and Tourette's at the beginning of this year.


I have been part of Special Friends for around 9 years and have volunteered and helped with the coffee mornings and Lea Green events. I am now taking on the role of Events Planning Support as well.


Special Friends was a lifeline for me after my son was diagnosed as I had nobody who knew anything about Autism in my life and it was a very lonely journey, but the lovely volunteers and members of the group made me feel so welcome and supported me from the first day and it made such a difference to talk to other Mums who just get it without any judgement. I'd like to be able to help others how the group helped me so that's why I now volunteer myself. 

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